Friday, July 07, 2006

We're still alive

We've been in Cincinnati a week and two days now and things have been pretty quiet. Casey is staying at Uncle Danny's house with Paige (go figure) and I'm unpacked at my dad's house which gets smaller and smaller each year as more stuff is accumulated.

The fourth of July has come and gone ... Jimmy marched in the Greenhills Parade, we all went to separate parties, and the girls and I watched fireworks from the parking lot of Northgate Mall. We never did make it to the Greenhills festival since I was too sick to brave it.

What else has happened this week ... OH! We have a new addition to the Anderson Family ... Mr. McPuggles (aka Pugsley). Teri wanted a dog she could snuggle with, so they found an adult Pug to bring home with them.

Unfortunately for her this dog is 100% fixated on Danny and wants to be by him at all times. He's a good dog, though, and he gets along with the other animals fabulously ... Henry has a particular fondness for him, Leah thinks he's another boxer, and Olivia and he tears it up with the best of them too.

Other than that, not much else has been going on. I've visited with friends and have been catching up on work while Casey has been consumed with Sims at her cousin's house. I think we're going to start getting off our arses a bit more next week, so we'll post more then.

Hope you had a wonderful fourth!

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