Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On the way to Italy!

Woo Hoo! I'm am on my way to Italy!

Despite the cab being slightly late, I'm here at the gate with a good 45 minutes to spare for the first leg of my journey. From here I go to Cincinnati, then Paris, then Florence, Italy where I get to kick around and do whatever I want for the day. I'll meet up with the travel group on the 12th in a little town called Monticitini Terme, which will be my home base for the rest of the week.

I'm thinking I may start a travel blog on Travelpod since I'm hoping more adventure lays in my immediate future :)

Anyway, I'm off! I hope to be able to log in while I'm there, otherwise, I'll see you in a week.


1 comment:

KelliSwift said...

You look way too happy!!!

Have a safe trip!