Thursday, September 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Casey!

Casey turned 10 today!!

We had a school party for Casey's class. We brought it Dion's pizza and ate in the park across from school. Everyone seemed to have a great time and Casey enjoyed her special day.

After school we opened presents from the family (thank you cards will go out next week ;) ), then we rounded up a few close friends and went to Itz. It was our first time there and we had a great time! Mariah, Charlene, Alex, Christine, and their parents all came with us. So we ate, played, and basically exhausted ourselves... and these is the only picture we have :(

Her actual birthday party is Saturday. We've invited the entire fourth grade, girl scout troop, and soccer team and are heading to the pool. Woo hoo! I'll be sure to grab lots of pictures since my friends will be there to help me out with everything.

I can't believe we've been hanging out for a decade already. Boy does time fly!

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